How do you know when the ‘Growth’ phase is complete?

“Your business should be growing about 5% annually and your first employees are now reaching 5 years+ in role. You should feel more secure than you have at any other point since you started out. You are probably able to take regular dividends out of the company. Professional management should be running the day-to-day business. And while some emergencies demand your attention, things are relatively predictable.

Mature businesses may not set the world on fire, but they are dependable and consistent. Many mature businesses have a strong cash position and grow through acquisition or spin-offs of other product lines. Mature businesses can defend their market position and expand into new territories using their brand recognition. Operations are relatively smooth and people don’t feel burned out. Revenue is steady and predictable. Enjoy this period but be on the lookout for signs that you need to start making a change. At this point, you’ll be able to decide to cash out or reinvest in the business to further growth and sustainability.”

– Forbes