Tender & Contracts Services

Our Tender & Contracts Services can be fully delivered scopes of work, with any recommendations implemented by our team, or as bespoke proposals for each client.

  • Securing New Contracts
    • Understanding the Tender – helping you translate the procurement jargon, and assessing whether or not it is a good fit for your business
    • Gap Analysis & Recommendations – helping you close any gaps in your bid responses, such as ensuring you have appropriate policies in place (e.g. Sustainability)
    • Bid Submission – providing bid writing services to create every aspect of your bid response
    • Negotiation & Contract Support – support for your contract negotiation & drafting recommendations for your supply Agreement(s)
  • Setting up for Success
    • Project Implementation: Getting to Day 1
    • Introducing effective Contract Management – introduction of various tools and processes for successful contract performance & customer reviews, including data visualisation and reporting
  • Driving Value
    • Introduction of continuous improvement within contract structure
    • Effective data utilisation
    • Creating gain share mechanisms with customers
    • Identifying opportunities for scope increase
    • Diagnostic of operating costs to increase profitability
    • Identifying synergies with other contracts
    • Identifying transferrable practices across the business