Energy Tax Relief

At TNX Consulting we can help reduce the cost of energy, and claim tax relief on energy consumption (including retrospective claims that can help provide a cash injection)

There are 2 schemes that we specialise in:

  • Climate Change Levy Tax Relief Incentive Scheme
  • Energy Intensive Industries Tax Relief Incentive Scheme

Most companies will benefit from one, if not both, of these schemes that have been implemented by the Government to reduce the cost impact of renewable energy legislation on UK businesses. Energy taxes, such as the Climate Change Levy, are charged by Business Energy Suppliers at either the main rate or the Carbon Price Support, and we can help qualifying companies claim relief against the taxes imposed on that spend.

We will:

  • Ensure all the claim criteria are met
  • Identify all eligible costs to maximise the claim
  • Aid with HMRC queries
  • Operate under a fixed fee, or % claim fee to suit your business needs

Contact us now to discuss whether your business may have eligible expenditure and to arrange a free initial analysis