Commercial Finance

At TNX Consulting we have access to a number of partners able to provide various types of business finance to start ups and SMEs:

  • Invoice Factoring & Discounting
  • Commercial Loans
  • Bridging Finance
  • Asset Finance

Use our contact page to get in touch, or browse our services below


Factoring, is an effective and flexible commercial finance solution using your invoices as the security. Put simply, when you raise a customer invoice, you can be advanced up to 90% of that invoice value within 24 hours, even if you have given that customer 45 days to settle the invoice. Factoring effectively reduces your outstanding invoice days to 24 hours or less and with factoring, the hassle of chasing those invoices is with the factoring company, effectively freeing up your time from chasing payments in addition to the payments themselves. Factoring can bridge the gap between raising an invoice and getting that invoice paid.

Invoice Discounting is a similarly effective and flexible commercial finance solution using your invoices as the security. As with invoice factoring, up to 90% of the invoice value can be advanced within 24 hours. The only difference between Factoring and Discounting, is in the collection of the outstanding invoices.

Unlike with factoring, invoice discounting packages give you the finance facility and unlock the cash tied up in your invoices, but then subsequently leave you to chase and collect any payments for those outstanding invoices.

Whilst many businesses are happy to handover the invoice collection element, some firms, (especially ones with extensive in-house accounts teams), may already have efficient collections procedures and so do not necessarily need that element included.

Commercial Loans

We specialise in arranging commercial mortgages loans and remortgages for business of all size, self employed traders, and partnerships in order to help you raise the vital capital necessary to help your business expand and grow.

1) Shops for investment into stock, long term lease purchase or shop fittings

2) Purchase or lease of factories to build, rent or sell on

3) To fund capital purchases of plant/machinery

4) Land purchase for commercial use and the development of land for houses/flats or house building of any sort

5) Improving any type of building for selling or renting

6) Development of all types of commercial property

Bridging Finance

Bridging loans are short term commercial loans to plug a gap in your finances, typically used in respect of funding major projects, such as a property purchase. A bridging loan can provide fast access to funding with the minimum of formalities. Bridging finance can be used in a number of different circumstances, such as:

1) Property Refurbishment buying dilapidated properties and then renovating and selling them in a short space of time.

2) Property Purchase the most common usages is when people buy a new property before their present one is sold – “a bridge”.

3) Property Auctions  a typical mortgage can take several weeks to secure whereas bridging finance a few working days meaning the average auction settlement of 14-28 days is no longer a barrier.

Asset Finance

Asset finance enables companies to obtain funding for the purchase of assets they need to run & grow their businesses successfully

Paying cash outright for capital assets can be a significant drain on your company’s working capital. With asset finance you will ease your cash flow through regular payments over an agreed period of time.

Funding is available for new & used cars, coaches, light & heavy commercial vehicles, plant, machinery & office equipment.